Anesthetic Lidocaine Procaine Tetracaine Tetracaina Base Powder, Benzocaine Lidocaine CAS 137-58-6

Anesthetic Lidocaine Procaine Tetracaine Tetracaina Base Powder, Benzocaine Lidocaine CAS 137-58-6

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Product Description
Lidocaine is a local anesthetic, also called Xylocaine, in recent years has been replaced by procaine, widely used in cosmetic surgery in local anesthesia, through the sodium channel inhibition of nerve cell membranes to blockade the nerve excitability and conduction. Its fat solubility and protein binding rate were higher than procaine, with strong ability to penetrate cells, fast acting, long action time and 4 times the effect of procaine.

Lidocaine can also be used to treat ventricular premature beats, ventricular tachycardia, Yu Yang Rehmannia poisoning, cardiac surgery and cardiac catheter induced ventricular arrhythmias after acute myocardial infarction, including ventricular premature beat, ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. The second is also used in the status of the status epilepticus with other anticonvulsant drugs and local or intraspinal anaesthesia. However, supraventricular arrhythmia is usually ineffective.


Topical lidocaine has been shown in some patients to relieve the pain of postherpetic neuralgia (a complication of shingles), though there is not enough study evidence to recommend it as a first-line treatment. IV lidocaine also has uses as a temporary fix for tinnitus. Although not completely curing the disorder, it has been shown to reduce the effects by around two thirds.

Lidocaine hydrochloride injection administered intravenously or intramuscularly, is specifically indicated in the acute management of ventricular arrhythmias such as those occurring in relation to acute myocardial infarction, or during cardiac manipulation, such as cardiac surgery.

Referral Link
Anesthetic Lidocaine Procaine Tetracaine Tetracaina Base Powder, Benzocaine Lidocaine CAS 137-58-6Anesthetic Lidocaine Procaine Tetracaine Tetracaina Base Powder, Benzocaine Lidocaine CAS 137-58-6